I’ve always been fascinated by our ability to adjust. How often we’ve said, “I just can’t take this anymore” but we do. Or we say, “If they ask me to do one more thing it will drive me over the edge.” They do but we somehow hold it all together & get more done than we ever thought we could. We’re living in one of those moments that tests much of what we’re familiar with & challenges us to do so many things differently. The way we shop for groceries, get our hair done, places we go for entertainment, the way we eat, what’s expected of us at work, how we do church: its all been messed with big time! Pastors from our district have been getting together on Zoom every Tuesday to talk about how drastically our jobs have changed. I pity folks who don’t have such a format. I greatly admire our teachers who have transitioned from the classroom to distance teaching; its like changing careers on the fly. Oh the burden on our front-liners: healthcare, truckers, food suppliers, grocers, first responders & others we don’t even think about but are vital to our wellbeing.
We have seniors in high school & college who won’t get to enjoy a prom or graduation ceremony. Track, baseball, softball & other athletes will not have the opportunity to compete after having worked their way up the ladder & played behind upper classmen. Spring band & chorus have disappeared as well.
Personally, I’m working harder than before yet am left feeling like I’m not getting anything done. All of this is making our time with the Lord more important than ever. HE is our peace. HE steadies our boat after each wave hits. HE helps us calm down & wait patiently for better days. Make a fresh commitment today to cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you.