Some people who hear the gospel, repent of their sins and become different, better people. They start serving others, often doing great acts of sacrifice to help those in need. Others who hear the same gospel, reject it. They may even go on to become a worse version of themselves. The first group is filled with love, the second often becomes angry, and hate those who receive salvation with joy. Sometimes, families get split right down the middle, life long friends can go in opposite directions. We used to sing a little song in Sunday School when I was a boy, “One door and only one, and yet its sides are two…I’m on the inside, on which side are you?”
Only those who choose to follow Jesus are on the inside of His Kingdom. Both those who reject the Lord and those who haven’t surrendered to His will yet are on the outside of that door. It’s as big a difference as to whether a person was inside the ark or on the outside when the whole world was flooded. So, I’ll ask again, “On which side are you?”
-Pastor Joel Everhart