Generally speaking I’m a good sleeper. I haven’t gotten 8 hours of sleep in one night for as long as I can remember, but I tend to sleep well when I am sleeping. There are nights, however, when the worries of life will rob me of the sweetness of my siesta. Still, I tend to wake up on time. The following day I’m awake but not AWAKE. Oh how unfair that the troubles of life follow us to bed!
Jesus said we’d experience trouble in this life & some days are worse than others. Paul tells us that some days are downright evil! It’s for days like that we need to be sure we’re wearing our godly armor. When a day of evil comes to you, you’ll either be wearing your armor & be able to stand or be swept away. Strengthen yourself in the Word of God. Renew your faith in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart & lean not on your own understanding…”