Are there any people in your life you consciously work at saying as few words to as possible? Talking to them never ends well. Some of them are argumentative and object to whatever you say even if it is clear and evident. Others take your words, twist them then pass them along causing others to get a bad attitude about you. Then there are those who don’t hear a word you say anyway, so why bother talking?
Don’t be like any of these people when it’s the Holy Spirit doing the talking. Open your ears, shut your mouth, humble your heart and follow His instructions. He is speaking; are you listening? Do you know more than He does? Do you realize you really need to hear what He has to say?
Ask God to speak to you, to direct your life, to be your Friend, Partner, Coach… “Lord I need You, Oh I need You…” Seek Him out, listen for His voice, be careful and faithful to follow His commands.
Are there any people in your life you really enjoy talking to? They’re good listeners, they have encouraging things to say, they’re bright & attentive, they’ll help you figure things out… They have a good attitude and talking with them makes you feel better, you can sense how much they care. Be that person when God speaks to you.
-Pastor Joel Everhart